Web frameworks help you deploy, and scale web apps. Most Python web frameworks are made to run on HTTP servers such as Apache or Nginx. Frameworks can be used to reduce the amount of code a developer needs to write when creating a web application. The most popular Python web frameworks are: Django, Flask, Falcon, Pyramid, and bottle.

You can put your Python app online with one click, regardless of framework.

Python Web Frameworks

We know that Web development with Python can be a complex process. There are many frameworks and libraries that help you create amazing websites, but it’s also easy to get stuck with which one to use.

Why use a framework?

Web frameworks are the foundation for modern web applications. They are the glue that ties together all of the different building blocks of a web application, like HTTP requests, templating, routing, and database ORMs.

The main advantage of using a framework is speed of development. A framework is a full stack application that comes with virtually every function needed to create an application built on the web.

Python Web Framework


Flask is a very fast, lightweight and micro web framework for Python. It is written in Python and runs on top of Werkzeug, Jinja 2, and good intentions.

Flask is a “meta-framework”: a lightweight framework that provides the tools necessary to create robust web applications “you can just get started with”.

If you want to learn Flask, the next step is the Hello World application.


If you’re a Python developer, you’ve probably used Django. Django is a popular, powerful, and highly scalable web framework written in Python.

Django is a high-level Python Web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design.

Django’s primary goal is to ease the creation of complex, database-driven websites.

Django Framework


Pyramid is an open source, Python web framework. It is designed to reduce the effort necessary to develop fast, dynamic web applications while also reducing the amount of code needed.

Pyramid is distinguished from other frameworks by being very lightweight and highly modular.


Falcon is a Python library that provides a web framework for building speedy web APIs and app backends. It is designed to be fast, modular, and flexible.

Falcon makes it easy to build Python-based APIs, app backends and higher-level services. It’s designed to scale from hobby projects to large-scale distributed systems.


Bottle is a fast, simple and lightweight WSGI micro web-framework for Python. It is distributed under the open source MIT License. It is one of the most popular WSGI frameworks and can be used with any Web server.

You can put your Python app online with one click, regardless of framework.